This photo was in a collection received from Katie Caldwell Windsor. The handwriting on the photo seems to be Katie’s. This is being posted with family notes and questions in hopes that we can identify all in the photo. Since the photo was Katie’s, we believe that “Mrs Windsor” would be Lucinda Adelaid (Addie) Walker Windsor. She was born April 14, 1861 and would have been 62 in 1923. #10 in the photo would be Addie Windsor.
Notes on the Family of David Perry Windsor & Addie Walker
Children in order of their birth:
Exsia Almira Windsor (1882-1963)
She would be age 41 in this photo. Married to second husband, Tom Sudduth. Exsia’s children would be Troy Windsor Spears (age 20), Floy Cornelia Spears (age 18), Anna Geraldine Sudduth (age 14), and Rena Belle Sudduth (age 11).
Cornelia Windsor – deceased by 1923
Claude Ralph Windsor (1885-1964)
He would be age 36 in this photo. Married to Juanita/Johnie DeAlva Wood (sister of Birdie). Their son Jessie Ralph Windsor (called Mutt) would be age 13 in this photo. Johnie had another son, Cecil Frank Wilson, born October 1909. He would be about 14 in this photo.
Rex Windsor – deceased by 1923.
Erastus Jackson Windsor (1891-1969)
He would be age 32 in this photo. Married to Katie Wynema Caldwell, who would be age 26 in this photo.
Annie Windsor – deceased before 1923
Dotch Garland Windsor (1896-1964)
He would have been age 27 in this photo and was not yet married.
Jesse Perry Windsor (1900-1977)
He would have been age 23 in t his photo and not yet married. In 1926, Jesse would marry Kizzie Switzer whose mother was Birdie Wood Switzer.
Birdie was the nickname for Ulmer Lee Wood (sister of Juanita). Her birthday was April 14, same as Mrs Addie Windsor’s. She would have been age 33 in this photo. She would be married to second husband, Charlie Lloyd. Children from her first husband, Bill Switzer, would be Kizzie (age 14), Paul, (age 13), and William (age 12).