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Family History

The majority of this work contains information about two Irish families of different backgrounds who migrated to the United States at different times and both ended up in Texas. The Caldwell line begins with a presumably Presbyterian patriarch from Northern Ireland, William Caldwell [Ca. 1799 – Ca. 1850], whose line carries a genetic mutation of six toes on one foot and/or six fingers on one hand. The Fagan line follows Nicholas Fagan [1785 IRE-1852 TX], Irish Catholic from County Westmeath who arrived in Texas about 10 years before the Texas Revolution.

Links contained herein take you to family surnames that are continuing research. The vital statistics (names, birth dates and death dates) are not considered to be personal property or “private” in any way; you are welcome to use this information and share it with others who might be kin.

The only use of this research that will be considered inappropriate would be the sale of data or any other transaction for profit … or publishing this research within your own without credit being given for the source of your information.

If you find mistakes in the data, I would welcome hearing from you! Info is updated periodically. Almost nothing is carved in stone and new insight is welcome.